As the name of this blog tells you, I am a 9 to 5 chick.
Been that way for 20 years. However, now I am a member of the business owner
community, which, by the way, still cracks me up and sorta amazes me, because
it was not AT ALL a part of my previous life plan. So, since I wear these two hats, I find
myself in a constant struggle with time.
Certainly, I must do well at my brick and mortar gig that gives me those
fancy health benefits and clockwork pays on the 15th and 30th.
BUT, what about Nikki’s Magic Wand? Where does that fit in? With these 24 daily
hours, I need to be a Manager in HR, a wife, a mom, a grand mom, a business
owner, a friend, a daughter, granddaughter and shoot, I need to be ME, when
most days, I just want to come home and climb in the bed.
Recently, I’ve been pretty candid about feeling paralyzed in
my business. I called out to my other business owners and asked for
inspiration. They answered loudly and I’m thankful but we ALL know you have to
get off your OWN butt; no one else can do that for you. So, I floundered around
a bit but then I made a plan because feeling lazy and unaccomplished is NOT how
I get down.
Since I decided that I am CLUELESS about effective marketing
in particular and that’s where I need the most help:
I took to the net and printed out a wealth of
information on the topic.
I then printed a calendar with open blocks and
put a marketing task or two on each day.
I look at my new calendar and see what task I am
responsible for that day (today’s task was “Write New Blog Entry” Look at me,
checking stuff off! J
During a conversation last week, with a dear
friend and business owner, I lamented that I didn’t have the time or energy, it
seemed, to do all I needed to do on Social Media. I told her that I wanted to
Tweet more and update my other pages more often but that I hadn’t found the
time. She suggested HootSuite and told me I could schedule my Tweets, so I
could write a bunch at once and then just set the day they were to post. Say
what now???
Off to HootSuite I went and set up 20 Tweets and
away they went. They’ve been posting each day while I’ve been sipping tea
downtown or having a meeting with my co-workers.
My friend also suggested getting an intern to help me. We had one the
summer of 2013 and boy would I like another so if you know of any creative
folks who’d like to help, work with, learn from a sparkling winner (LOL!!!!)
tell them to reach out to me at
At the end of the day, I know, I believe and I will work hard enough to
be successful. Just gotta get organized, focused and stick to my new plan! J
Thanks for reading!