Thursday, April 24, 2014

People and InStyle and TV...OH MY!

Hello!!!!! I have been away from you WAYYYYY too long and I've missed you! Where do I even begin?? It's been such an amazing month since I last updated you. As I've mentioned to you many times before, this entire Nikki's Magic Wand journey has been quite a learning experience. I'm specifically talking about establishing your brand, spreading the word and growing so people can first hear of you, fall in love and slap down their cash for what you're hawking. How do you do that exactly when you have zero experience with it?

Well, you start organically. Let me mention that I'd never used that word related to anything other than high priced produce before this. :) In this case, organically means kinda free. So, initially what we did, as directed, was send Wand samples to bloggers for their reviews and with fingers crossed and clutched pearls, you hope they, #1 Are willing to review it #2 Don't flat out hate what you're selling and #3 If they do indeed love it, then are willing to tell their subscribers. So, off to the post office I went, with package after package, hoping for the best. Thankfully, this worked many times and bloggers really did like it and told people. But, after awhile, that method sort of loses steam so what do you do next?

Well, now's the time to consider spending some money to get the word out. What exactly do you do now? Do you buy TV time? Do you go on the radio? Do you buy an ad in hard copy space? There is another option as well and I'm going to tell you about it, but I need to take a step back first. As you know, NY Fashion Week was one of the most amazing times of my life. I will always think of it with a smile on my face. Well, one of my gifts from NYFW was a woman named Robyn who inspired me from the moment I met her. She founded and owns Illumination PR and was so generous with not only her advice but also with the deliciously flavored Moscato she was hawking at NYFW. :) As we met celebrity after celebrity, many of them mentioned Robyn, how great she was and the fact that she worked with them. Robyn extended herself to me as a friend and fully illustrated the benefits of PR when compared to traditional advertising. I'm not telling you we'll never advertise, certainly we will, but I am here to tell you, having someone dedicated to speaking on your behalf, to contact these beauty editors and TV producers is priceless. Wellll, ok, it comes with a price but and I told you many posts ago, if you can, PLEASE pay people for what they do because it will be done faster and most likely better than you could have done it. We are currently in a campaign right now and Oh My Goodness, it's been amazing. Interest has been expressed from many HUGE outlets like People Magazine, InStyle Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Woman's Day Magazine, two TV shows and Real Simple Magazine. As you may recall, we received a crazy amount of attention and orders after NMW appeared in a Real Simple online feature as one of the "6 items to Simplify Your Life." Now it seems the hard copy magazine is interested in seeing the Wand as well. Woohoo!

Just a few days ago, a TV show in Chicago featured the Wand during an Earth Day segment. After all, my "baby" is great for the environment ensuring less waste! :)

Here's the link:

It's been a truly amazing time, with all of the new buzz, as well as invites to entrepreneurial events, business focused podcasts and the like. Who knew I'd be a full on business owner chick that people would want to speak with?! :)
Well, I'll end this for now. I will do my very best to fill you in sooner next time.
As always, thank you very much for reading!